Well, well, well, the Manea Silver Band website is up and running! As you may have noticed, our website URL is now www.maneasilverband.co.uk, so don't forget to update your bookmarks.
Coming soon: the completed photo page and proper links to our MSB Facebook group, which is gaining a bit of a following thanks to the efforts of our principal cornet player Rhiannon. Until I work out how to insert a "like" button to the website, do pop along to http://www.facebook.com/groups/142923215740520/ and if you like us feel free to join the group for all the latest MSB news.
Incidentally, it's well worth a look through the historical photographs on our Facebook page - some of them are rather interesting; the earliest dated one is 1905, but some of the undated ones may be even older. They were unearthed by several supporters of MSB who kindly lent us some of these items for our April relaunch concert. It's great to have this sort of history behind us and to have the artefacts to go with it.
As you may have spotted on our "about" page, we also have a lovely new uniform which was premiered at the Relaunch concert. Our next event is Manea Gala on the 14th July. If you want to see us try to play while riding on the top deck of a bus, be there!