Monday, 20 January 2014

Niki is King of the Band!

A big thanks to everybody who braved the fog and frost to come to tonight's AGM. Decisions were made about a new uniform jacket, a child protection policy and the band committee for 2014, which is:

Chairman: Stuart Smart
Secretary: Kate Winters
Treasurer: Andy Maddams
Musical Director: Shaun Pope
Niki Bloom, Rhiannon-Jane Smart & Robert Weedon

These will be added to the website soon.

More importantly, though, we announced this year's very deserving winner for the Billie King Memorial Prize - Niki Bloom, who has been our dedicated band secretary and all-round super person for many years. Big grins all round!

A winner is announced!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Notice of AGM

Manea Silver Band's annual general meeting will be held on Monday 20 January 2014 at 8.15pm at Manea Methodist Chapel. All are welcome.

Items will be the committee elections for the year, a decision on uniform jackets and the awarding of the Billy King Memorial Prize ("King of the Band"). We'll be rehearsing as usual before and after the meeting.