Tuesday, 27 May 2014

MSB to appear alongside Virtuosi GUS, Cory and Brighouse!

We are incredibly excited to announce that, this summer, Manea Silver Band will be appearing alongside some of the biggest names in banding!

It’s all thanks to our friends at Your Logo Here, who are so impressed with our fresh modern logo that they’ll be featuring it on their display jacket, pictured.  Now Cory, Brighouse & Rastrick, Flowers, Fairey and Virtuosi GUS - to name but a few - will all be seen in the same place as the plucky underdog from Manea!

Your Logo Here have also produced a fantastic set of soft shell jackets (pictured) for the band, which all members will be receiving shortly, so we can display our logo as we play out and about this summer.
Robert, our 2nd baritone player, designed the logo.  He wanted to produce something musical with a real sense of place.  The resulting design uses the lines of the musical stave to represent the Old Bedford and the Hundred Foot rivers. 

These two watercourses border the Ouse Washes, the wetland at the heart of a colossal 17th Century drainage project which centres around Manea and gave us the Fens as we know it.

The featured Whooper swan is also a part of our local heritage, with as many as 7,000 spending their winters here, roosting on the washes and feeding on sugar beet scraps on surrounding farmland.  With their gentle trumpeting call and incredible strength (they migrate 1,000 miles from Iceland to Manea in one go) they made the perfect ‘aspirational’ finishing touch to the logo.

The band is currently trying to raise funds to produce a set of stand banners featuring our logo.  We think its modern look will help us with our fresh modern image and support our ongoing work attracting young players into the brass scene by offering free music lessons.

Can you help?  You can sponsor a banner in your name, your businesses name or as a gift – look here for details.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

As the World Cup approaches, Manea Silver Band will treat villagers to a Full English!

A group of Manea musicians will be hosting an action-packed, interactive concert at the weekend, treating the audience to a brassy celebration of English music, from Elgar to Adele.

 Shaun Pope, the Musical Director of the band,said “With the World Cup looming, we wanted to get people in the mood for celebrating England!  Through the ages, England has produced some of the best music in the world. 

“Well-known English music, from proms to pop, always makes for a lively concert, but as usual we will be spicing things up even further. We have a few tricks up our sleeves to make sure the audience to get involved!”

The concert, entitled ‘The Full English’, is taking place in Manea Village Hall at 7.30pm on Saturday 3 May, and will feature talented local vocalist Shannon Buckton. 

The band have also teamed up with Classics restaurant in Manea who are offering an early bird menu of light summery dishes, so you can eat a classy Ploughman's platter before you join the band at the village hall for a Full English!

The band offers free music lessons to learners of all ages.  It is hoped that this concert will raise money to go towards music and other teaching resources for the group.

Shaun said “The event will be fun and informal, and we’d encourage people to bring their own beverages to make it a really sociable event!”

“Brass band music has a very strong tradition in the area.  Manea Silver Band prides itself on taking a refreshing approach to concerts, to get people involved and keep that tradition thriving. We hope this concert will keep people talking about us!”
Tickets are £5 each and are available at Classics restaurant or by calling Rhiannon on 07963 259984 or emailing treasurer@maneasilverband.co.uk.  They will also be available on the door.