Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Our newly appointed President . . .

We are pleased and proud to announce that Richard Hirson has agreed to be our President.  Richard is well known and highly respected in Manea having been the resident doctor for many years.  As President, Richard will promote the band and oversee the running of the committee.
The Manea Silver Band welcomes Richard and looks forward to working with him to further the band's mission of bringing brass music to the fens.
Committee for 2016

The 2016 AGM was held on Monday 25th January and the following members were elected to the committee for 2016-2017 :

Chairman : Rhiannon-Jane Smart
Secretary : Howard Roberts
Treasurer : Andy Maddams
Other committee members : Kate Winters, Karen Hill, Joseph Winters

We say farewell and a big thank you to our Musical Director, Shaun Pope for his leadership and commitment during his period as MD.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Billie King Memorial award is Joseph Winters. Joseph has made great progress this year and supports the band in so many ways.